
start at $15

Small Bouquet

start at $45


start at $35

DGN Prom Order Form

To start and order fill out the form below. Orders must be placed by April 24th. You will be contacted within 1 business day to complete your order. Frequently asked questions are at the bottom of this page.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Dress Color

    Select Order (required)

    Your Message (please put any additional details here)


    Bouquet or Corsage?

    Typically small bouquets are done for prom and corsages are done for homecoming, but I do make some corsages for prom every year.

    How do I make sure my flowers coordinate with my date's flowers?

    If you don't place one order for both flowers, please let me know the name of the person you are going with so I can make sure they coordinate.

    Pick up time?

    You can pick up anytime between 12pm-2pm on Prom day.

    Floral Examples

    Click here to look at examples of bouquets and boutonnieres. Click here to look at examples of corsages.